Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Lifelong learning strengths and weaknesses

Without a doubt, my biggest lifelong learning weakness is beginning with the end in mind. It's very easy for me to brainstorm new ideas or encourage myself to try new things, but frequently I lose sight of my main goal and consequently leave my new project unfinished. I've learned to restrain my enthusiasm for leaping into every new project or opportunity that comes my way, but sometimes it is hard to focus on completing a project without getting distracted with what's on the horizon. Hopefully this '23 Things' program will help me understand what 2.0 technologies can realistically be used for youth programming.

As for strengths, I consider myself to be a good teacher. The opportunity to help and instruct others is one of many reasons why I became a Librarian. I know that I always appreciate it when someone is patient and understanding when they are trying to teach me something. While people are generally used to encountering horrible customer service, I believe that we as librarians have a great opportunity to be a "refreshing alternative" for our patrons who are seeking instruction.

1 comment:

Lesa said...

Most of the school teachers I know (and I married one of them!) are great talkers, but not always the best listeners. I think it comes from being "on stage" all day long. I've found that librarians tend to have a better balance of speaking AND listening.