Friday, August 31, 2007

Knowledge Spa

Does the image on the right give you the creeps?

Yeah. Me too.

But I think that's the perception of 'the library' by many of our patrons and non-patrons. You know, those people that never walk in our doors.

Even some of our most "i (heart) the library" patrons feel this way: the library is not an access point to information, but more rather a barrier.

And many times we don't make it any easier as we relish in our librarylandtalk.

But that's why I believe Library 2.0 is so exciting. It gives us the tools to dissolve the barrier between our collection and our patrons. It transforms our services from being opaque and cumbersome into that which is transparent, easy, and streamlined.

The bottom line is that when we allow our patrons to collectively contribute to our services (as these Web 2.0 tools allow), our ability to help them increases ten-fold.

Oh, and I just want to throw out the new Library 4.0 label that Dr. Wendy Schultz suggested in her article:


Now, who doesn't want to go there?????

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